Archive for instinct

Don’t Always Trust Those Who Covet You

Posted in Fashion, Image, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on May 28, 2009 by Editor

How many times have you asked those in your inner circle “how does this look?”. Due to the fact they are in your inner circle, you trust their judgement.

Have you ever been left feeling that they lied to you? Watch out for the competitive friend, the control freak man, or someone with horrific taste in clothing, interior design, or basically life itself.

One of my closest, “dearest” friends used to lie continually, and she would ask me where I bought something then go out and by it. Should I be honored? Heck no! She thought she would look better in it. It became annoying, I stopped telling her where I shopped and enough was enough. We are no longer friends.

Control freak boyfriends/husbands are the same. They only want you looking good when they are with you…don’t be dressing chic to out with your friends…or your mother (uh,yes…this happened). They will tell you something looks hideous because other men would love it. Most men don’t want competition when it comes to their “girls”.

My mantra is a safe one, “Don’t Ask”. Just don’t ask for their opinion. You know when you put something on that you feel fabulous in, your posture changes as well as your demeanor. Look in a 3 way mirror, turn and look at your backside..if its all good, go with it! Trust your gut instinct, its usually spot on.